Testing challenges

 Day 28 # Testing a word document issues for accessibility

I have downloaded a word document from online and used an inbuilt accessibility checker to check the issues. There I observed some missing alternative texts, images, or objects not inline, check the reading order, hard-to-read text contrast. I tried to change the contrast and solved the issues by changing font and color contrast.

What the Checker Won’t Do

If your headings are text made big and bold, not real headings,  the accessibility checker won’t see a problem. So you will also have to check headings yourself.

The checker will tell you if an image has no alternative text. But it can’t tell if an image has an inaccurate or badly-written alternative text.  So you must check all images, even if the checker says they are OK.

You’ll also have to check whether your page is using 

  • tabs where it should use a table, 
  • fonts, like Wingdings, where it should use images, 
  • or images where it should use text. 

So the checker is no substitute for knowing how to use Word.

Finally, the checker only finds problems, it does not fix them. It will tell you why and how to fix them, though.

Use the Checker in Word

  1. Click the “Review” tab on the ribbon.
  2. Click the “Check Accessibility” icon. (Or in the “Tools” menu, click “Check Accessibility.”)
  3. In the pane that appears beside your document, you see a list of accessibility issues. Click an issue to highlight it in your document.  The accessibility checker will suggest how to fix the problem you’ve selected.


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